1·What is the decisive point?
2·Clark makes the point that the characteristics of a technology have a decisive influence on job skills and work organization.
3·I think looking ahead, we are going to see more decisive action from the bank and I would see rates falling perhaps another percentage point over the coming months to a one-percentage trough.
4·The advantage of this is that they can make decisive and effective executives - up to a point.
5·Dr Norberg's work reinforces the point, and also shows that it is not formal marriage, but actual cohabitation, that is the decisive factor.
6·Kuo discovered that compasses do not point true north but to the magnetic North Pole. This was a decisive step to make them useful for navigation.
7·The specified time and space point is the carrier of public security order, the damage is the most active factor, the control strength is decisive factor.
8·By analyzing the measurement error of this system, it is known that the precision of detecting feature point is a decisive factor affecting the measurement.
9·Informal a point, fact, or remark that settles something conclusively; a decisive factor.
10·At this point, traffic officers did not perform "technical regulation" Article 246, failed to take decisive measures "to stop the base to electricity", illegal release train.